Laurus College Receives Accreditation Renewal through 2026!

Laurus College Receives Accreditation Renewal through 2026!

by Communications Team -
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Dear Students,

Laurus College is proud to announce that we have successfully completed our recent accreditation renewal with the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).

DEAC granted Laurus an extension of accreditation for a period of five (5) years through June 2026! This is an extraordinary accomplishment that reflects both the quality education and quality experience our organization is committed to providing students with.

While the College could not have achieved this honor without the hard work of its faculty and staff, this celebration is also shared with you, our students. It is your diligence toward your studies; your willingness to stay focused on your future; and your perseverance through adversity that fuels the success stories that make Laurus College a remarkable institution for skill attainment and career growth.

Thank you for being a part of our success story! 

Jeffrey Redmond