Cyber Scam Awareness

Cyber Scam Awareness

by Communications Team -
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Dear Laurus Students and Alumni:

Email and texting scams are on the rise, and we ask that everyone be diligent in protecting themselves. Below are some helpful tips for identifying cyber scams:

* Email / text is from an unknown sender
* Email / text asks for your personal information
* Email says you've been hacked / have a virus
* Email / text contains inappropriate content

Please remember to NEVER:

* Download an attachment or click on a link from an unexpected / random email / text
* Reply to these kinds of emails / texts
* Send money, purchase gift cards, purchase supplies, etc. by email / text request

If you receive a suspicious email, please forward a copy of the email to IT Support immediately at (805) 267-0622 or, and then promptly delete the email for your safety. If you receive a scam text, promptly "delete and report spam". 

Thank you!