Kindness Corner

Kindness Corner
A safe, one-of-a-kind meeting space to share kindness, peace, and positivity!
Open Kindness Corner
Dear Students
There is no doubt that we are all going through a difficult time. Many of us are facing challenges and disruptions that we never could have imagined. But we are all in it together and we know there is more to our stories than “shelter-in-place.”
In the spirit of looking at the good in our community, we invite you to the Kindness Corner, a one-of-a-kind meeting place where students and faculty can share all types of acts of kindness – pictures, videos, fun quotes, and stories. The Kindness Corner will be accessible through the MLP.
Whether you’ve experienced an act of kindness, reciprocated one, or heard of a wonderful incident, we encourage you to come and share. During trying times like these, it’s the kindness we have to ourselves and others that will matter and make a difference.
We hope to see you in the Kindness Corner to hear about your stories.
Happy sharing!
Which team are you?
Team Peace
“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”
Team Kindness
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”
Team Positivity
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”

Cheer-on Your Favorite Team
Each team will be promoting all acts of kindness and posting to their pods. Please come and cheer them on!
The winner of the team gets to donate to their favorite charity group.
If you are interested in joining a team, please contact Chrisandra Castillo for details:
More on Kindness

The Benefits of Kindness
for more information on kindness, please read our latest blog written by Dr. Karen Edwards