5 Lecture Series: Dr Hochul Lee

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5 Lecture Series with guest speaker Dr. Hochul Lee

Join us for a new lecture series by Dr. Hochul Lee where he will be discussing issues related to China and US relations. Learn how these issues might affect you as an entrepreneur and business professional. Join the Entrepreneurs Club as we explore an in-depth discussion of these important topics.

Friday, April 21st, 2023: Is China Rising?
Friday, April 28th, 2023: Is China Overtaking the US?
Friday, May 5th, 2023: US and China in East Asia?
Friday, May 12th, 2023: Would Liberal International Order Survive?
Friday, May 19th, 2023: A New Cold War?

About Dr. Lee

Dr. Hochul Lee is a Professor Emeritus of China and International Studies at Incheon National University. Currently he is a visiting scholar at UCLA. He worked for the INU as Dean and Vice President. He also served for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROK, as Committee Chair of Advisory Committee on Policy Planning, and the Korea Foundation as Chair of International Cooperation Networking. Dr. Lee served as President of the Korean Association of International Studies (KAIS).

Dr. Lee has published a number of researches on China and International Studies, including “US-China Relations”(2022), “A Dilemma of Success: The Reform Path of Chinese SOEs”(2022), “The Denuclearization and Peace Process on the Korean Peninsula”(2019), “South Korea-China Relations as Strategic Partnership: Its Scope and Limit”(2018), and “Power Politics Behind the Transforming Geopolitics in East Asia”(2017).

Dr. Lee earned his B.A. from Seoul National University (1981) and his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science at Rutgers University (1993) in New Brunswick, NJ, USA. He also conducted researches at Peking University, Columbia University and UCLA.