Lillibeth Naniola Spotlight

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Good morning, everyone. It's an honor to be here today and one that I could never have imagined. To be honest, I wasn't planning to take part in today's ceremony—wearing a cap and gown, walking across the stage—but then I was asked to share my story. I wasn't sure that was something that I wanted to do, but when I shared the news with my girls, who have been my greatest support, my best cheerleaders, my constant source of motivation—not surprisingly, they encouraged me to say yes. I realized that we all have a story to share, that for most of us, there wasn't a straight line or an easy path from the day we began our journeys until today, so I accepted the honor to share my story with you today.

My parents were immigrants from the Philippines who came to America to find better opportunities for themselves and for their family. I remember how they always encouraged me to go to college and pursue a degree. They had never had the opportunity or the means to pursue their own educational goals, so it was important to them that I prioritize my education. Unfortunately, before I could do so, my parents passed away, so they are not here today to see me graduate from college.

I made the decision to enroll at Laurus College during a time in my life where I was lost and broken. I was grieving and scared, unsure of what my future held. I needed to find my way back…. back to the living. I didn't know how I would do that, but my first step was to go back to school. I wanted to achieve the dream my parents always had for me. So, my first step back to the living was when I started at Laurus College.

It was a big change and though it was challenging, I remember that in my first few classes I was doing OK until I received a C+. It's hard to imagine the impact that grade had, but I can tell you that I felt disappointed and, well, I lost it. I felt like the world was crashing down on me and I started to fall apart again. I never did well in school but this time I held myself to a higher standard even with my airhead moments. While it was painful, that moment helped me tap into my own self-determination and I rediscovered my strength. Each obstacle became an opportunity for growth. I challenged myself to do better.

I was excelling in all my classes but again I fell into a slump. It was a point towards the end of completing my program and I lost my mojo. I just wanted to quit. I panicked and started losing control. I remember taking a step back telling myself to ask for help and that everything would be okay. What I found is that my instructors and Student Services where right there to help me get back on track, to find my mojo again, and to make it through the last part of my journey.

Earning my degree, being here today, sharing my story—this an important milestone in my life. I have accomplished my parents' dreams. I have fueled my determination. I have rediscovered my strength. I have completed my journey at Laurus's College and earned my degree in Medical Coding and Billing. I am grateful to be here with all of you to share this special moment in my life—our special moment.

Here's to the future.

Congratulations and thank you.