Creating an Account with SoCal Innovation Station

SoCal Innovation Station Account Creation

There are many reasons why Laurus College has teamed up with So Cal Innovation Station, foremost is it gives anyone interested in running their own business or becoming a freelance entrepreneur, access to resources and individuals who can answer questions about how to make it all work. There are many questions which must be answered before setting out on the path to independent ownership. So Cal Innovation Station can help guide you to greater success.

Some of the Membership Benefits include:

  • One on One consulting with experienced business owners and consultants.
  • Step by Step training sessions on starting and developing businesses.
  • 24 / 7 access to custom video tutorials on developing business plans and start-up strategies.
  • Opportunities to meet and network with other entrepreneurs.
  • Office Space (Oxnard Only).
  • Resources Available.

Account Creation

The first step in creating a membership with So Cal Innovation Station is to go to their webpage at:

Once you are here, click on the Membership button.

So Cal Innovation Station Membership Button

You will then land on the Member Information Page. Fill in the boxes with your personal information. You will need a special Invite Code, please use this - Pr1V@t3INv1tE21#

With the question “Referred By” Use the drop down arrow to select “Laurus College”.

So Cal Innovation Station Signup Form

Then click “Register” That’s all you need to do! You will then receive an email with your Username and Password as well as a link to Validate your account. You will also be put in touch with a Mentor who can answer your questions about the resources and benefits which you can now access.

You are now connected to people and resources that can help you with some very hard questions about starting your own business. How great is that! If used properly, this is a resource that can save you thousands of dollars and alleviate a lot of headaches going down the road to independent ownership. As always, this is a tool. It is up to you to learn how to use it properly, but here you will find guidance and answers to many questions. Life is full of opportunities, with careful thought and planning, dreams can come true.